Right - St Mary's River watershed forest - Photograph by Chris Sinclair
Why should you consider a sponsoring membership?
Well, at left we see young Gordon L. Silver (later to become Doc Silver) admiring a giant 32 lb. St. Mary's Salmon caught by his father, Dr. Gordon M. Silver. The fabulous salmon fishing attracted such residents to our river valley and kept their families here, building and supporting our rural community. This wonderful old photo shows what we hope to see again on the St. Mary's, and why you may want to consider a sponsoring membership. Our vision is very important to our rural community and to Nova Scotia. Sponsoring Memberships cost $100 or some multiple thereof. Eg - $100 for Bronze, $300 for Silver, & $500 is Gold. SMRA membership dues and donations are CRA income tax deductible, Canadian Registered Charity 891450975 RR 0001. |