Click on any Paddler's Trail location for more detail, or use a smartphone QR code reader app to access the location on the maps below.
You may need to magnify the maps in order to read QR codes. If your smartphone is an iPhone using IOS 11 or above, its camera app conveniently reads QR codes automatically.
The virtual Paddler's Trail is still under construction, so some locations may show only a map.
You may need to magnify the maps in order to read QR codes. If your smartphone is an iPhone using IOS 11 or above, its camera app conveniently reads QR codes automatically.
The virtual Paddler's Trail is still under construction, so some locations may show only a map.
Paddlers Trail Access Point 1
Paddlers Trail Access Point 2
Paddlers Trail Access Point 3
Paddlers Trail Access Point 4
Gunns Pool
MacKeen’s Pool
Paddlers Trail
Silvers Pool
Clay Bank
Graveyard Pool
Ford Pool
Paddlers Trail Access Point 5
Paddlers Trail Access Point 6
Cummingers Pool
Indian Man Pool
Foot Bridge Pool
Rock Island Pool
Lead Mine
Harrisons Pool
Paddlers Trail Access Point 2
Paddlers Trail Access Point 3
Paddlers Trail Access Point 4
Gunns Pool
MacKeen’s Pool
Paddlers Trail
Silvers Pool
Clay Bank
Graveyard Pool
Ford Pool
Paddlers Trail Access Point 5
Paddlers Trail Access Point 6
Cummingers Pool
Indian Man Pool
Foot Bridge Pool
Rock Island Pool
Lead Mine
Harrisons Pool